Homeschooling was a great way to get to know my kids – having them home, watching them grow up, doing stuff with them, learning along with them, finding out what really makes them tick, what they love, what they hate. When there was a problem, there was always enough time to sort it out; and whenever something good was going on, there was no bell to tell us we had to stop. We just kept on going. And along the way, I encouraged them to always follow their dreams, that if they didn’t, no one else would do it for them; to challenge authority; and above all else to be responsible, to think, for themselves. I’m afraid I was a bit of your peace, love, and understanding kind of mentor; but I figured they’d meet enough other people in the course of their lives who might be more the ballistic missile types, not that there’s anything wrong with that, just I was looking to get my piece in while I had the chance. And in the meantime, we all had a good time: they got a chauffeur and I got to relive my childhood, this time with no gold stars being handed out. Continue reading →