Let the work begin

The calendar doesn’t lie, does it? Any way I look at it, my vacation is officially over, and that means it’s high time I got back to work. And by work, I mean working on my book. Editing.

When I finished writing my novel back in November, I followed those who know these things, their suggestion to put it aside for a while, to give me and it a rest. Six months is what “they” typically suggested. Really? What was I supposed to do for six months? Write another book? I settled on six weeks. Another broken rule to add to the pile of rules I’ve broken so far.

More than once it’s occurred to me that if I habitually ignore the rules promulgated in these “how to write a bestseller” books, one of two things is going to happen: Either my book will a) get published (despite breaking all the rules) or b) it won’t (because I broke all the rules). I suppose if it doesn’t get published, I could always write another book and follow all the rules and see if that works. But if it does get published, then it really comes down to what are rules but to be broken?

Rules or no rules, the six weeks were up last night. Today I start editing. Once again, those in the know say this is the stage where the real writing happens. I have to ask, what was it I was doing for the past seven years – fake writing? It seemed like real writing to me.

Time will tell.

Writing is fun. Editing is not. Writing is also hard work, but it’s fun. Editing is hard work and not fun. Although I’m a proofreader by trade, I am not an editor. I can do it, but it takes both sides of my brain in full gear, and that’s work. But regardless of how much I like or don’t like to edit, it’s got to be done. And quickly. I want the editing round done by the end of June, when I will be attending a historical novel conference and get to hob nob with agents and editors and fellow authors. One of the rules, and this one I do intend to follow: Don’t talk to agents unless your book is ready.

That means that while you are out solving the mysteries of the world this week, I will be hunting down all -ing verbs and –ly adverbs and trashing them all. No more “Bella looked longingly into his eyes.” No, now Bella gets to hold his gaze in hers. It’s going to be a tough week.

For your Monday morning listening pleasure, Steely Dan …

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