Tag Archives: new hampshire

new hampshire

Home in lovely New Hampshire! We’ve got about five weeks at home to get whatever needs doing done before we head out on the road again. A lot of that doing is in the chore category – it comes with the territory. If you go on vacation for five months, you’ve got a five-month stack of life you’ve left behind that needs tending to. Continue reading

leaving new hampshire for a spell

I remember this time last year, with winter and the cold blowing in, setting myself one simple goal: to be out of here before winter and the cold came around again. I’ve cut it very close, I know, but it looks like (finally) it’s all systems go: We’re leaving tomorrow – Saturday, December 17. New Hampshire has its many charms, and I’ll be back, but it’ll be sometime after winter has come and gone, for sure. It’s the cold – it gets right down to my bones, and at this point, I’d just rather be lying on the beach somewhere. So, we’re heading south. Leaving tomorrow. Continue reading