Author Archives: shannon

new orleans music

Even without the music, New Orleans is a fascinating city, one that is easy to be in – restaurants, shops, a riverwalk along the Mississippi, art galleries, parks – all within walking distance, all filled with friendly folks who are genuinely pleased with life and glad to be spending a part of their day with you. Its narrow one-way streets demand you get out on foot to explore. It’s the only way to see New Orleans, and while you’re out there gawking at all there is on offer, your senses come alive … especially your auditory sense. New Orleans is many things, but paramount is the music. Live music. I daresay there isn’t a city anywhere else that keeps on giving music the way NOLA does. Continue reading

laissez les bons temps rouler

I know. If you’re going to keep a blog, you’ve got to take time to post. In theory that works out great. It’s the putting it into practice part that I have to work on. But as Bridget said to me last night: “Don’t worry about it. Your followers all get an email alert when you’ve posted something new, and they’re happier if you don’t post, because that’s one less thing they have to read that day; and your friends will know that if you’re not posting, you’re out having fun; and everybody else doesn’t care; so don’t worry, it’s all good.” Good advice. Continue reading

mardi gras

One of the great things about a road trip around the country is getting to see friends and family along the way. In some cases, it’s been far too long since we saw them last, and in other cases, it’s meeting up for the first time. Coming to New Orleans has given us the latter. Dennis’s cousins, Kathe and Paul Cedro, who live west of NOLA in Luling, knew that Bridget and I were coming to town and we arranged to head over to their place on our second night in town and enjoy some home cooking, southern style. Shrimp Creole and stuffed crab, with King Cake for dessert. Continue reading

back in the u ss a

While I was trudging along the streets of Kilkenny in search of the no-longer-existent county jail, with the wind howling and pushing me along, I couldn’t help but think, yes, in a few days we’ll be back in the States, down in the keys, and the winter in the sunny south that I’d been long anticipating could begin. It was a good thought. Winter in Ireland isn’t cold, but it’s no day at the beach. Continue reading